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Using the map
  • Click on the flag markers and use the popups to add medieval sites to your own tour.
  • To place your own marker on the map select this icon and then click or tap again to place it.
    To see the medieval map of Chester, select the "Medieval City" option on the bottom right of the map.
  • Use the "Actions" on the top right of the map to generate a route between your selected points, then use "Save" to save your tour.
  • OK!
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Meet the characters

  • Robert Smithfield Robert Smithfield, a merchant, was repeatedly in trouble with Chester's authorities for failing to pay the required tolls on entry to the city.
  • Margery Byrkenhed
    Margery Byrkenhed was a nun at St Mary’s in the 15th century.  
  • Alexander Stanney The inventory of the mercer Alexander Stanney shows the wide range of prestigious and exotic goods available to buy in medieval Chester.
  • John of Ewloe The Welshman John of Ewloe rose to become an important figure in Chester, though his connections with Wales still drew suspicion.

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